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We are open!
June hours are Wednesday through Sunday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Marla and Marty Connelly were the original owners of Owasco Paddles and we are very grateful to them for having such a wonderful idea! While not originally from Auburn, they grew to love it and embrace it. However, one thing they heard from nearly everyone they got to know, was that they wanted more things to do at Emerson Park.

Well, that got them thinking. They both had waterfront experience and both loved to paddle. Why not make paddling more accessible to their new friends and neighbors at Emerson Park? So, for your paddling pleasure, they created Owasco Paddles!

To our great sadness, Marty passed away unexpectedly in early 2014. The two of us, Lori Dillon and Audrey Iwanicki, worked with Marla to assume ownership and we have never regretted it. We are open now 7 days a week for the summer, weather permitting, from Memorial Day weekend until Labor Day. We hope you'll come out to the lake and have some fun with us! 

Thank you to all for making Owasco Paddles a resounding success and we look forward to seeing you this summer!​ Bring your furry friends to the Lakeside Dog Park, then come paddle with us. 

​Marla with Dusty
​Marty with Austi
Marla and Marty and their 3 fur children and had found limited opportunities to do things that include them. So, we are continuing the tradition of being dog friendly for all!

A free, safe ride along with my human and Treats too?!?

We are looking forward to another fun season!  Please come on out and join us. June hours may change if the weather is good to us. We will be open 7 days a week from the 1st of July through mid-August, then Friday through Sunday until and including Labor Day.

We lost Lori in 2017, but her love and enthusiasm are with us still and we know her spirit will stay with us as we enjoy the amazing beauty of Owasco Lake and the Finger Lakes region. Come out and enjoy it with us! 

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!